Main Teachings

"If all people are pleased with you but not Krishna, then what have you gained? If Krishna is pleased with you but not all people, then what have you lost?"

HH Bhakti Ashraya Vaisnava Swami Maharaj emphasises on hearing about Lord. Hearing is the best medicine to control the flickering mind and cure the vices of heart, namely, lust, anger, greed, illusion, etc. A person knows his name by hearing it from his parents, he knows about various subjects through hearing from teachers. Similarly if one wants to know god and the ultimate goal of life, one has to hear from bonafide sources.

A person has to practice the principles of devotional life. Through enthusiasm, determination and patience, one can build a bridge back to godhead. Just like a child falls many times until he learns to walk, one must tolerate all tribulations by depending on Lord and keep trying to attract his mercy.